Ubuntu – How to properly secure Unicorn/RoR server on ubuntu? Or, harden RoR application stack


I have few Unicorn servers running on Ubuntu 12.04 and I am looking to secure them against exploits which give remote shell.

My main concern is, if it makes sense to deploy ModSecurity?

Another thing is, that I have seen Unicorn typically runs from port 8080, and it's forwarded to Apache/NginX server port 80 which serves as reverse-proxy.

I was thinking that I could employ the following:

  • ModSecurity on Apache
  • Apache as worker (threaded) with mod_qos, to prevent excessive no of requests from any host
  • Run unicorn server from designated user and isolate it thru AppArmor or SELinux if it's Redhat/Centos

I would like to know, if there is another hardening framework / patch for RoR like PHP Suhosin.

Best Answer

I would start with Ruby On Rails Security Guide.

I am looking to secure them against exploits which give remote shell.

Pay attention to the File Uploads section.

  • Make sure file uploads don't overwrite important files
  • Validate file name
  • Use plugins: attachment_fu or paperclip
  • Never to allow users to upload: .php, .cgi,...
  • Set apropriate Centent-Type HTTP header
  • Put file uploads outside of /public directory

You can also scan your Rails code for vulnerabilities using Brakeman:

gem list -d brakeman

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

brakeman (1.8.0)
    Author: Justin Collins
    Homepage: http://brakemanscanner.org
    Installed at: /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8

    Security vulnerability scanner for Ruby on Rails.
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