Ubuntu – How to set acl on the fstab file


I would like to enable acl on my remote server.
So I type the following command df to know on which partition I am :
Here is the result :

 Filesystem     1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
    /dev/simfs      26214400 1202356  25012044   5% /
    none               52432    1048     51384   2% /run
    none                5120       0      5120   0% /run/lock
    none              262144       0    262144   0% /run/shm

Now, here is my /etc/fstab file :

proc  /proc       proc    defaults    0    0
none  /dev/pts    devpts  rw      0    0

2 questions :

  • In which line I have to add ',acl' and
  • then I would have to remount my partition using mount -o remount **folder?** I don't know which folder : /proc or /dev/pts ?

Thanks a lot for your help

Best Answer

Are you using a VPS? If so, you probably don't have access to the real filesystem of the host system. What are you trying to do?