Ubuntu – How To set up SCP from localhost to remote Ubuntu server


I am trying to configure an ubuntu vps. I have set up ssh secure login using rsa public and private keys from a local machine.

As well as disabling root login I have also set up iptables and configured to allow ports 80 and 22 (port 22 only from my ip address) for the ssh tunnel.

I can connect fine using ssh but when I try using scp from my local machine

sudo scp /var/www/filetocopy user@remoteaddress:/var/www/filetocopy

I get this error

Permission denied (publickey).

Does this mean that I have to generate another public key/private key pair or is there a way of using the key that the ssh uses?

many thanks in advance

Best Answer

SCP works over SSH so there shouldn't be any additional setup or configuration. Throw a -v in there after scp and let's get some more information.

That said, it looks like the SCP command isn't passing the key you generated. Try specifying the key file with the -i option. If it is in a non-standard location or non-standard name you'll need to let it know what to use rather than the default ~/.ssh/id_rsa.

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