Ubuntu – How to setup samba share to be mounted as specific user


I want to create samba share to which users can connect as specific samba user.
I created user, let's say henry, and I want to make storage in his home.

So I have in my /etc/samba/smb.conf:

  path = /home/henry
  browsable = yes
  read only = no
  guest ok = no
  create mask = 0644

Now when I connect by smbclient everything is fine. But I want to mount this share as CIFS. I can do:

sudo mount -t cifs //myserver/myshare /media/remote-share -o user=henry

But then when I try to create a file in /media/remote-share, I get permission denied 🙁

How should I configure it if I want everybody to have access there, but as specific user, not as guest?

Both server and client are ubuntu machines.

Best Answer

ok, i've re-read your question and have another answer.

when you mount it in /etc/fstab or with sudo mount from the command line, you need to set the uid and gid and optionally the umask too (file_mode and dir_mode) so that local users on the client can use the share. otherwise, it will default to being owned by root and W only by root. and it probably doesn't hurt to explicitly mount it as RW.

sudo mount -t cifs //myserver/myshare /media/remote-share \
  -o rw,user=henry,uid=xxx,gid=yyy

where xxx and yyy are the local (local to the client, that is) user and group that should "own" the share when it is mounted. if it's only one local user that needs access, the gid probably doesn't matter. if multiple local users need access, then the gid has to be set and every local user who needs access has to be a member of that gid.

there are other options that may need to be set, depending on your network setup (e.g. you may need to specify the domain). see the manpage for mount.cifs(8) for more details.

BTW, see the notes about credentials file if you're mounting it from /etc/fstab. fstab is world-readable so not a good place to put passwords. a credentials file can be owned by root, mode 600.