Ubuntu – I setup vsftpd on ubuntu server on the ec2 instance, how to connect using SSH

amazon ec2ftpsshUbuntu

I connect to my ec2 instance using ssh so I don't have to login each time.

I just installed vsftpd on the ubuntu server, but when I connect it obviously asks for my username and password.

Since I connect using the ubuntu user that my AMI comes with, I don't even know the root password.

Is there a way I can login via ftp using SSH?

Or do I just create a user on the system for ftp purposes?

I've locked ftp to my IP address, and I will shutdown the ftp service once I'm done as I dont need it running 99.99999% of the time.

Best Answer

If you're not comfortable with command line scp then you could use a client like filezilla configured in it's server manager dialogue to connect to Server Type: SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol

You may have to enable the sftp server on your AMI. Check that the line

Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server

is not commented out with a # in /etc/ssh/sshd_config