Ubuntu – Installed libssh2-php but no ssh2 with php -m


I use php 5.5.3 on a Ubuntu 13.10 server and want to use ssh2 with php. So I installed libssh2-php with this command: apt-get install libssh2-php

Installation runs without error. I got a ssh2.ini file within /etc/php/conf.d. Restarted apache2 even rebooted the server but php -m | grep ssh2 didn't return anything. phpinfo() got also no ssh entries 🙁

What is missing?

Best Answer

I found the solution. It's the same problem like mcrypt described here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/362082/php-is-not-working-well-on-ubuntu-13-10-and-mcrypt-is-missing-in-phpmyadmin

to get ssh2 running you have to move the ssh2.ini from /etc/php/conf.d/ssh2.ini to /ect/php/mods-available/ Then run php5enmod ssh2 and restart apache2

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