Ubuntu – Internet not working after upgrade to Ubuntu 10.10


I have a dedicated server which I have just upgraded from Ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 (it was running the LTS version), and it had seemed to have upgraded successfully until I tried to access the internet in a browser. I was unable to access any websites (although I am able to ping) and it seems there is no outgoing connection at all to the web, yet I can connect to my server remotely via SSH and remote desktop tools such as NoMachine. I checked the network devices available, and it shows three:

lo (Loopback)



I checked eth0 and it seems to be working, with my server IP and it is active and sending & receiving packets normally, yet I am still unable to access the internet.

Looking at the Network Connections window on the Wired Connections tab, there is only a "Auto eth1" connection, but shouldn't there be an "Auto eth0" as that is the connection it seems my server should/is using? Is a matter of changing the default connection of Ubuntu to eth0 to access the internet?

Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

So you have an ip address.. sounds like DNS problems..

Try this.. ( im guessing the DIG will fail )

dig google.com

Ping works???.. good

edit your /etc/resolv.conf / add this at the bottom


save the file

Run those commands again :D

and let me know

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