Ubuntu – iRedmail damaged the LAMP installation


I have Ubuntu Server based VPS, which have LAMP installed.
It have Apache, MySQL, PHPMyAdmin, PHP etc. and everything is in use for my website.
I installed iRedmail, and now my website can't be accessed anymore, just redirects to mydomain.com/mail, and my Webmin is also down.

I tried to remove it so I followed article here: http://www.iredmail.org/forum/topic333-iredmail-support-faq-how-to-uninstall-iredmail.html
It seems removed, I also manually uninstalled Postfix.
Removed everything non default from /var/apache2/sites-enabled
And still doesn't work as before! It still redirects to /mail directory and Webmin is down…

EDIT: Just fixed redirection problem by deleting previously unnoticed index.html. But my Webmin doesn't work, even after re-installation and reboot.

I also checked out mine website /var/www/ index.php file and .htaccess file. There is no redirection commands.

I don't want to fresh install everything, so what I need to do? I'm so pissed off, why it had to touch my Apache and Webmin installation? iRedmail is garbage.

Best Answer

Fixed both problems.

Redirection problem is fixed by deleting index.html or by removing the meta refresh tag in it.

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=mail/">

and by entering few commands in terminal

# rm /etc/apache2/conf.d/roundcubemail.conf
# rm /etc/apache2/conf.d/cluebringer.conf

Restart Apache:

# sudo service apache2 restart

Source for commands: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/questions/how-to-remove-iredmail

For Webmin and few other network apps, it was problem with IP tables. iRedmail was messed up something there, so I followed this article and everything is back to normal:

# sudo iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
# sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
# sudo iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
# sudo iptables -F
# sudo iptables -X

Source: http://www.prash-babu.com/2008/10/how-to-flush-or-remove-all-iptables.html

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