Ubuntu – lftp ubuntu cannot local directory


open ftp://dfg:fdggdfg@iis502.ixwebhosting.com
mirror -v --only-newer --loop /var/ixweb/ /sdf/

I have the following in a file and I call it like this

sudo lftp -f /root/ftpyncix

the error is the following

---> CWD /var/ixweb
<--- 550 /var/ixweb: The system cannot find the path specified.
mirror: Access failed: 550 /var/ixweb: The system cannot find the path specified.

I have tried changing directory's to almost anything in var in root in var/www
I am thinking that the program does not have permision to run on that folder so I 777 nd it with files and still have no luck
I followed the instuctions from here
Thanks for the help

Best Answer

lftp is trying to mirror from /var/ixweb on the FTP server, which doesn't exist. I'm assuming that you want to mirror /sdf on the FTP server to /var/ixweb on your local machine, in which case you have the directories in the wrong order.

From the manpage:

  mirror [OPTS] [source [target]]

Mirror specified source directory to local target directory. If target directory ends with a slash, the source base name is appended to target directory name. Source and/or target can be URLs pointing to directories.

So you want:

mirror -v --only-newer --loop /sdf/ /var/ixweb/
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