Ubuntu – Local php.ini not overriding main php.ini


I can't seem to get the php.ini file in the website's root (/var/www) to override the php.ini value in /etc/php5/apache2

/var/www/php.ini contents

upload_max_filesize = 64M
post_max_size = 64M

But a phpinfo() page in the same directory shows the default values for them 2M and 8M respectively. And wordpress shows that the max upload size is 2MB.

OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
PHP: 5.5.9-1ubuntu4

Any thoughts?

Best Answer

If you are using PHP >= 5.3, then you can override configs per directory by creating a file called .user.ini.

In your case, I believe it's the filename that is the problem.

The name of the file is configurable in your primary php.ini as user_ini.filename. If that is set to an empty string, then the feature is disabled.