Ubuntu – MySQL cannot connect via SSH tunnel — Connection refused


I am trying to connect to MySQL from my MySQL GUI (Sequel Pro if it matters) using SSH tunnel. However, I keep getting the following error (mysql.log):

[Note] Aborted connection 98 to db: 'example' user: 'example_user' host: 'localhost' (Got an error reading communication packets)

My connection settings look like the following:

  • SSH host: example.com
  • SSH port: 22
  • SSH user: example_user
  • SSH pass: ********
  • DB host:
  • DB user: example_user
  • DB password: *******
  • DB name: example
  • DB port: 3306

I can connect to SSH with no problems. I can also connect to MySQL from inside SSH (using mysql -u example_user -p -h

However, tunneling is not working. I have AllowTcpForwarding yes in sshd_config. MySQL config has bind-address =

I am using 16.04 LTS and MySQL Community Edition in my server.

What am I doing wrong? This is the first time I am seeing this issue.

Best Answer

You can create several tunnels via command on workstation by example:

ssh -L 10080: -L 10006: user@server

There are: - ip-address tunnel's destination to connect from server, 80 and 3306 destination ports, 10080 and 10006 - local workstation's ports. This will allow you to connect to MySql server and to Http server via server's localhost interface. Run command mysql -p -u db_user -P 10006 -h database_name on workstation to connect to MySql server. You can connect to PhpMyAdmin web interface, which is allowed only from To do it simply write address in your browser.