Ubuntu – NFS clients doesn’t see changes in the file-system


I have a NFS set up with one server and two clients. I'm running into the issue that when I create a file on the server (I'm logged in on the server) I cannot see the new file on the client and visa versa. My problem has somewhat to do with this question but with my problem, the files never show up.

These are the NFS settings on the server (/etc/exports):


On my clients, this is how I mount the shares:     /mnt/share      nfs     rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr


I've set up some local virtual machines with the same configuration and the problem does not seem to occur this environment. Not sure where to look to start solving this issue.

Best Answer

I suspect the server exported /share before /share was mounted and clients are seeing the underlying filesystem.

To test (assuming you are on Linux) unmount filesystem on the client, run exportfs -rv on server, and then remount on the client. More drastically you could try exportfs -avu; exportfs -av rather then the exportfs -rv.