Ubuntu – NFS4 client within OpenVZ container running Ubuntu 11.10


I have an Ubuntu 11.10 VPS running inside OPenVZ with a hosting company. I'm trying to get it to mount a remote NFS server using NFS4, but can only get it working using version 3. I've been Googling around this quite a lot and occasionally I'll read something along of the lines of "NFS4 clients can't work inside OpenVZ containers". I can't find an up-to-date concrete answer to this so I'll ask here:

Is this true, and if so, great – then I can stop trying to get this to work! But if it IS possible, why's it not working?? Here's what I've done —

  • nfs-common installed on client, nfs-kernel-server installed on server
  • saw some instructions to install nfs-utils on client, but apt-get can't find the package
  • mount from client to server works successfully with NFS vers 3
  • server seems to be working fine; can mount successfully using NFSv4 from an Ubuntu VM running on my desktop
  • BUT on the successful client machine nfs AND nfs4 is listed in /proc/filesystems, on the problematic one it's only nfs
  • I logged a ticket and the relevant module's now been installed on the VPS node, according to the engineer responsible. He's replied that it should now be working but I think he may have just re-enabled the "standard" NFS module (see above re: cat /proc/filesystems | grep nfs)

    $ sudo mount -v -t nfs4 [SERVER_IP]:/ /NFS-ARCHIVE/
    mount.nfs4: pinging: prog 100003 vers 4 prot tcp port 2049
    mount.nfs4: No such device

    $ sudo mount.nfs [SERVER_IP]:/ /NFS-ARCHIVE/ -w -n -o nfs4
    mount.nfs: Unsupported nfs mount option: nfs4

  • I've read that I might need to manually load the module by running modprobe nfs before mounting, but I don't think I can do that on a VPS. sudo modprobe -l on the client returns nothing

Any help much appreciated, especially if you can categorically answer the first question – at least if I know it's impossible I can then move onto setting everything up using vers 3!

Best Answer

Later versions of OpenVZ do support NFS4 in container. We are using the latest CentOS 6.2 together with the latest stable OpenVZ release 2.6.32-042stab053.5 and NFS4 do work well for us.