DNS – No A or AAAA Record for NS (Reverse DNS)


Okay I've searched through this site and read the numerous questions all on the same topic but the puzzeling thing is that I do have an A record for both of my ns entries.

When I run named-checkzone on my reverse DNS records then I get this error:

zone example.com/IN: NS 'ns.example.com' has no address records (A or AAAA)

zone example.com/IN: NS 'ns2.example.com' has no address records (A or AAAA)

I'm obviously doing something stupid, but could anyone shed any light on what it exactly is, as I'm stumped on this one.

Here is my domain zone file:

$TTL    604800
@       IN      SOA    ns.example.com. root.example.com. (
                            12         ; Serial
                            604800     ; Refresh
                            86400      ; Retry
                            2419200    ; Expire
                            604800 )   ; Negative Cache TTL
@                        IN      NS      ns.example.com.
@                        IN      NS      ns2.example.com.
@                        IN      MX 10   mail.example.com.
@                        IN      A
example.com.             IN      A
ns      IN      A
ns2     IN      A
mail    IN      A
www     IN      A

and here is my reverse dns zone file:

$TTL    604800
@       IN      SOA    ns.example.com. root.example.com. (
                            9         ; Serial
                            604800    ; Refresh
                            86400     ; Retry
                            2419200   ; Expire
                            604800 )  ; Negative Cache TTL 
@       IN      NS      ns.example.com.
@       IN      NS     ns2.example.com.
109     IN      PTR    example.com.
109     IN      PTR    ns.example.com.
109     IN      PTR    ns2.example.com.

Thank you very much.

Best Answer

Strange - copy and pasting your answer and running named-checkzone on it results in:

acshellam@dev1:/tmp$ named-checkzone example.com example.com.zone
zone example.com/IN: loaded serial 12

acshellam@dev1:/tmp$ named-checkzone -v

You sure that's the correct zone file you have on your system? Is there an $ORIGIN directive somewhere between the NS and the A records in your file that's changing the zone root?