Ubuntu – OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) Fails to Allow Log In


I cannot log in to the OpenStack Dashboard; attempting to do so results in a re-direct back to the log-in page.

Entering the wrong details will throw an "incorrect user/pass" error; the correct details will show nothing.

I cannot see any issues in /var/log/nova-api.log or similar.

My apache2/error.log does show some 401's relating to Cinder, but I'm not sure if these are a red herring: https://gist.github.com/elithrar/15913c5196c744777083

nova-manage service list shows smiley faces, and keystone service-list shows the expected services with no errors.

I'd appreciate some advice here—a Google hasn't helped.

Best Answer

Those unauthorized errors in the error log might be the problem. A start would be to validate that the user you are logging into Horizon with has (in keystone) the role that you've specified in the /etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings.py ( OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLE = "some role name" )

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