Ubuntu – OpenVPN Disable route but allow bridge


I have an OpenVPN setup running fine. The problem is one of my systems that connects I don't want it to run all traffic through OpenVPN. That single system I want it to only run the VPN IPs through the VPN and all other network requests through my normal ISP.

My server.conf file has this for pushing Gateway and DNS settings through:

push "redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp"
push "dhcp-option DNS"
push "dhcp-option DNS"

This works perfect for all but one unit connecting. That one single unit I only want to have access to the VPN IP range, not send all network traffic through the VPN.

I have tried this to connect to the VPN without routing all traffic:

sudo openvpn --remote IP --comp-lzo --dev tun --auth-user-pass ovpn.txt --ca ca1.crt --client --route-nopull

This works fine. The problem is, though my internet is not routed I now cannot access the VPN IP range of

So my question is, how do I disable internet traffic routing but allow VPN IP routing for one single client while enabling it for all others?

Best Answer

redirect-gateway is meant to tell the client to send all traffic through to the server. It redirects your default gateway through the VPN.

If you want to disable it for one client, you can put the following in the client config to override redirect-gateway:

route net_gateway
route net_gateway
route net_gateway
route net_gateway

Source: OpenVPN.net