Ubuntu – Pure-FTPd Configuration on Ubuntu 12.04


I have a fresh installation of pure-ftpd on Ubuntu Server 12.04, and for the life of me I can't find any kind of central config file. All I need to do is set a passive port range. At this point I would settle with knowing its default passive port range (assuming it has one) so I can go change the firewall to match it. Any ideas?

Best Answer

Try this:

echo "10000 11000" > /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/PassivePortRange

I found this by reading the manpage for pure-ftpd-wrapper:

   pure-ftpd-wrapper reads the configuration for the Pure-FTPd daemon
   from files in the directory /etc/pure-ftpd/conf. Each file in this
   directory is related to a command line option. 
   Two numbers
       "AnonymousRatio", "LimitRecursion", "PassivePortRange",

I was directed to that manpage by /usr/share/doc/pure-ftpd/README.Debian (which I found from looking through dpkg -L pure-ftpd|grep -i doc:

pure-ftpd for Debian

Please note that these packages use a complete new configuration scheme, read the pure-ftpd-wrapper manual page for more information.