Ubuntu – recovering data from raid1 component disk


Need to recover data from raid1 component disk using ubuntu live usb disk. The existing software raid was broken. After many attempts, I removed degraded raid setup from BIOS but ubuntu live could not detect filesystem on any of the two component disks.

disk utility says "raid component disk" in one of the disks.
gparted does not report filesystem in any disks.

Please suggest.

Best Answer

Consider running testdisk for recovery purposes. It is part of most recovery live CDs and appears to be part of Ubuntu Live.

FakeRAID solutions write some metadata to the member disks. If the spec engineers were smart, the metadata is written to the end of the disk to ease recovery. If they were not, the metadata is at the beginning of the disk - where usually the partitioning data would be. A Testdisk scan for partitions and filesystems should be able to find the offset partitions.

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