Ubuntu – Server port still open after force close


I have a server running on a local server. Every once in a while it will freeze up, and I'll need to use a Ctrl+Z to cancel out of it. The issue is that the port it uses is still open to it after I force close it, and it can't reclaim that port when I restart the program. So then I need to restart the entire server.

Is there a way I could force that port closed, so the service could open it when it starts back up, or maybe refresh all the ports?


Best Answer

ctrl-z is a suspend.

You probably want ctrl-c.

You can also send a signal to the individual PID. For example, if I wanted to close port 80, I could first query open files with lsof:

lsof -i tcp:80

httpd 24579 root 3u IPv6 142712111 TCP *:http (LISTEN)

Then send a kill signal:

kill -9   24579