Ubuntu server postfix + dovecot authentication, wrong password


I am trying to setup basic e-mail server just for me on my Ubuntu 12.04 following these guides.


I executed everything as it says in the tutorial. When I test with telnet from localhost everything seems fine, but when I try to connect with Thunderbird, it finds the settings automatically, even says that the certificate is invalid (which seems legit), but I get an error that my password is incorrect.

I can`t quite understand, is my mailbox linked with my linux account or I have to create a new user for this ?
What can I do to see what the problem is ?

I have almost no idea what I am doing, so … any help will be usefull.


Best Answer

You can check authorization with doveadm command. Log in tou your mail server and type:

doveadm auth username

then enter the password. If no luck, try doveadm auth username@domain.tld - it depends on your setup.

If both commands fail, check if such user exist: doveadm user username or with domain.

If it fails too, the check your config files and lookups.