Ubuntu Server upgrade over SSH hang


I was upgrading an Ubuntu server (using the do-release-upgrade) command over SSH (I know it's a bad idea, but it was the only choice; I don't have physical access to the server). It seemed to go fine and was going thru the 'setting up package name' part when it froze on the line

Installing new version of config file /etc/mysql/debian-start ...

The SSH connection appears to be still active, as pressing the up arrow echoes back ^[[A, and so on. When I log in on another SSH connection I can log in fine, but the ** system needs restart ** message shows up. Is it safe to ^C the release-upgrade command, or try to reboot the server? Should I ^C the upgrade and try it again? Anything else I could try?

Best Answer

I usually do release upgrades over VPN, so I've tried this a few times. Whenever it updates my openvpn package I lose connection, so I reconnect afterwards.

do-release-upgrade starts a backup SSH session on port 1022 and a backup screen session. If you do not have screen installed this will NOT be available.

You can get the screen session by running:

sudo screen -list
There is a screen on:
    2953.ubuntu-release-upgrade-screen-window   (09/13/2012 04:48:02 AM)    (Detached)
1 Socket in /var/run/screen/S-root.

Then to reattach do:

sudo screen -d -r root/2953.ubuntu-release-upgrade-screen-window

Using the previously listed screen after root/

You should be back to where you lost connection.

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