Ubuntu – Server won’t start. IPMI showing Blue Screen with Ubuntu Linux


I have a remote SuperMicro server that is failing to boot.

It's located on a different continent and access is limited.

I can get into the BIOS and do whatever I need to, but as it gets through the POST messages it appears to Blue Screen!

This is not the windows Blue Screen of Death. The installed OS is actually Ubuntu Server 12.04.

Has anyone seen this before on SuperMicro Super Servers?

Things I've tried so far.

  1. Cold start multiple times
  2. Reset bios to optimal defaults
  3. Warm reset
  4. Disabling USB (I recall a similar issue to do with keyboards and USB)… anyway that didn't help.

None of that made any difference.

Ok, here is the screenshot.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Has anyone seen this before on SuperMicro Super Servers?

Yes, this just happened to me. Right before the screen turns blue there is an error message (I had to record it on my phone and play the video back to read it):

error: Invalid mode: text

I booted off a USB drive, mounted the file system and changed /etc/default/grub. Comment out the line:


... and update Grub. You should get the normal menu the next time you boot. I don't know why it changed (a non-SuperMicro server running 12.04.4 didn't have that line and I'm sure no one here changed it manually) but it solved the problem for us.

Good luck!

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