Ubuntu – Set group_concat_max_len permanently (MySQL config)


I have MySQL installed on an Ubuntu machine.

I added this line in /etc/mysql/my.cnf


But there is no effect. Every time I restart mysql, the value is set to 1,024. I have to manually run

SET GLOBAL group_concat_max_len=15360

…every time I start up mysql.

Why is my.cnf not working the way I thought it should?
Thank you

Best Answer

If you have the setting already in my.cnf or my.cfg, and a restart did not bring about the change you expected, you may just have the setting placed in the wrong location.

Make sure the setting is under the [mysqld] group header


then you can restart mysqld without worry

BTW @gbn may be more correct in this instance because you cannot use commas in the numerical settings for my.cnf (+1 for @gbn)