Ubuntu – Simple upstart script for nodejs + forever on Ubuntu


I'm using Ubuntu Sever 12.04. I have a nodejs application which I want to run like so:

NODE_ENV=production PORT=3001 APP_PATH=/var/www/myapp forever -a -l /var/www/myapp/forever.log -o /var/www/myapp/out.log -e /var/www/myapp/err.log /var/www/myapp/app.js

I want to run it at system startup and do 'forever stopall' at system shutdown. I've read that the preferred way to do that is using upstart scripts. That's what I tried:

description "Upstart script"

start on startup
stop on shutdown

expect fork

env MYAPP_PATH="/var/www/myapp"


    NODE_ENV=production PORT=3001 APP_PATH=$MYAPP_PATH exec forever -a -l $MYAPP_PATH/forever.log -o $MYAPP_PATH/out.log -e $MYAPP_PATH/err.log  $MYAPP_PATH/app.js

end script

pre-stop script

    exec forever stop $MYAPP_PATH/app.js >> $LOG

end script

It hangs when I run it, and then it says that job is already running (when it is actually not).

Any advice how to do this properly is appreciated. Thanks!

Best Answer

description "Upstart script"

start on filesystem and started networking

FYI: don't use "start on startup".

stop on shutdown

expect fork

# Let's make sure we always have the right directory
chdir /var/www/myapp

env MYAPP_PATH="/var/www/myapp"
env NODE_ENV=production
env PORT=3001
# Is there a reason you didn't do this?

  # Shell trick to re-direct this script's STDOUT/STDERR
  exec 2>> forever.log 1>> forever.log
  # You forgot the 'start' command. Without it, it doesn't fork.
  exec forever start -a -l forever.log -o out.log -e err.log app.js
end script

pre-stop script
  # Shell trick to re-direct this script's STDOUT/STDERR
  exec 2>> forever.log 1>> forever.log
  exec forever stop app.js
end script