Ubuntu – Squid cache_peer round-robin algorithm not working as expected

http-proxyload balancinground-robinsquidUbuntu

I have number of peer-to-peer HTTP proxies and I need to distribute my requests among them evenly, so I added multiple cache_peer directives and set round-robin as peer selection algorithm. This is my config:

# Basic configuration
visible_hostname squid_proxy_1
unique_hostname squid_proxy_1

http_port 3130
pid_filename /vagrant/squid_proxy_1.pid

cache deny all
http_access allow all

# Proxies
cache_peer MY_PROXY_HOST parent PROXY_PORT 0 round-robin no-query name=FIRST login=MY_PROXY_LOGIN-1:PASSWORD1
cache_peer MY_PROXY_HOST parent PROXY_PORT 0 round-robin no-query name=SECOND login=MY_PROXY_LOGIN-2:PASSWORD2
cache_peer MY_PROXY_HOST parent PROXY_PORT 0 round-robin no-query name=THIRD login=MY_PROXY_LOGIN-3:PASSWORD3

never_direct allow all

But I ran into following problem: cache_peer switch is made not after every request.
Here's how my access.log looks like:

sudo tail -f /var/log/squid3/access.log
1460977613.775  23783 TCP_MISS/200 11371 GET http://www.google.com/ - ROUNDROBIN_PARENT/ text/html
1460977621.171   4843 TCP_MISS/200 11413 GET http://www.google.com/ - ROUNDROBIN_PARENT/ text/html
1460977628.367   5583 TCP_MISS/200 11412 GET http://www.google.com/ - ROUNDROBIN_PARENT/ text/html
1460977634.270   4726 TCP_MISS/200 11354 GET http://www.google.com/ - ROUNDROBIN_PARENT/ text/html
1460977642.429   6531 TCP_MISS/200 12841 GET http://www.google.com/ - ROUNDROBIN_PARENT/ text/html
1460977645.563   1747 TCP_MISS/200 11360 GET http://www.google.com/ - ROUNDROBIN_PARENT/ text/html
1460977653.731   7242 TCP_MISS/200 11408 GET http://www.google.com/ - ROUNDROBIN_PARENT/ text/html
1460977658.559   3763 TCP_MISS/200 11374 GET http://www.google.com/ - ROUNDROBIN_PARENT/ text/html
1460977660.516   1387 TCP_MISS/200 11398 GET http://www.google.com/ - ROUNDROBIN_PARENT/ text/html
1460977662.863   1758 TCP_MISS/200 11414 GET http://www.google.com/ - ROUNDROBIN_PARENT/ text/html
1460977664.667   1305 TCP_MISS/200 11419 GET http://www.google.com/ - ROUNDROBIN_PARENT/ text/html
1460977676.157  10901 TCP_MISS/200 11384 GET http://www.google.com/ - ROUNDROBIN_PARENT/ text/html
1460977678.565   1348 TCP_MISS/200 11321 GET http://www.google.com/ - ROUNDROBIN_PARENT/ text/html
1460977681.742   2516 TCP_MISS/200 11383 GET http://www.google.com/ - ROUNDROBIN_PARENT/ text/html

It happens ONLY IF I USE THESE PARTICULAR P2P PROXIES. I tried same config with free proxies I found in the interned and everything worked fine.

I guess the problem is that my proxies may be considered dead by Squid (because they really can be very slow sometimes) and therefore we're not routing traffic to them, but I'm not sure.

Is there any way to get more information about peer selection algorithm?
Can I tweak cache_peer options somehow to solve this problem?

Best Answer

This problem is solved by forbidding persistent connections. In my case I added following line to config and everything is working fine now.

server_persistent_connections off

Huge thanks to @BillThor, who helped me in the comment section.

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