Ubuntu – Squid server issues after upgrade (Ubuntu 14)


We have upgraded a squid proxy server from a previous version of Ubuntu (Can't recall what it was sorry) to version 14.04.2. Now it appears Squid will not start / VM's can not reach internet through proxy. I noticed there maybe an issue with services when moving from CLI to Webmin and i saw i could "Start Service" I clicked this and got the error

Failed to start Squid :
squid3 start/running, process 12431

Moved back to the CLI and ran sudo service squid start and got the following:

squid3 start/running, process 12637

So … Is it running? Why is webmin showing to start the service…

Saw some forums online to restart the service tis didn't help. Running service squid3 status shows:

MGT-VM-PRX:/var/log/squid3$ service squid3 status
squid3 stop/waiting

Has anyone noticed this or know what has changed by upgrade?

I can also see that there are two services under a ps -aux | grep squid and squid3

Have just checked logs /var/log/squid3/cache.log.1 and the issues seems to the service not starting / working as logs stopped on the 19th when issues are being discovered.


Fixed by removing the line : acl manager proto cache_object


# Recommended minimum configuration:
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src ::1
acl to_localhost dst ::1

Run the following:

azzurri@MGT-VM-PRX:~$ squid3 -k parse
2015/06/22 12:38:08| Startup: Initializing Authentication Schemes ...
2015/06/22 12:38:08| Startup: Initialized Authentication Scheme 'basic'
2015/06/22 12:38:08| Startup: Initialized Authentication Scheme 'digest'
2015/06/22 12:38:08| Startup: Initialized Authentication Scheme 'negotiate'
2015/06/22 12:38:08| Startup: Initialized Authentication Scheme 'ntlm'
2015/06/22 12:38:08| Startup: Initialized Authentication.
2015/06/22 12:38:08| Processing Configuration File: /etc/squid3/squid.conf (depth 0)
2015/06/22 12:38:08| Processing: acl manager proto cache_object
2015/06/22 12:38:08| aclParseAclLine: ACL 'manager' already exists with different type.
FATAL: Bungled /etc/squid3/squid.conf line 694: acl manager proto cache_object
Squid Cache (Version 3.3.8): Terminated abnormally.
CPU Usage: 0.007 seconds = 0.003 user + 0.003 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 20496 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 0

All seem's ok for now, but i'm not sure what this does? Can anyone clarify if this is a suitable fix?

Best Answer

Have you run syntax check squid3 -k check? If you know the previous version, taking a look at change log might help or the current config review with http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/config/, there may be directives which might have been depreciated in the version - squid upgraded to.

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