Ubuntu – SSMTP mail server overriding the from to email address with Apache process user name


I'm using the SSMTP mail server on my Ubuntu server to send emails from my PHP scripts using a 3rd party SMTP and all is working fine expect that the emails that are being sent have there from & reply-to email address set to "www-data@mydomain.com" instead of the ones provided to the mail() function.

I all so have the "FromLineOverride" set to "YES" in the "ssmtp.conf".
The only difference it seems to be making is that in the reply-to address it adds both the "www-data@mydomain.com" & the email address provided to the mail() function.

I have looked over every setting I could find but it still keeps using the Apache2's process user account as the from address.

Does anyone know why this is happening?

Best Answer

I had the same issue on my new dedicated server, which came without Postfix, but with ssmtp. All mails were sent with process user name and hostname like : user@host

In /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf file I just added the following directive : FromLineOverride=YES, and now it works like a charm.

BTW, I'm agree, what Postfix is much better, just it takes some time to configure it properly, and something we need just simple email send.