SSSD Authentication – SSSD Authentication to Windows Domain Without Everywhere


We're trialling using a Ubuntu 14.04 desktop environment for a few of our developers and I've hooked the machines into the domain with SSSD. This has been working fine. However the system recognises the domain users as user@DOMAIN.COM, so 'ls -l' output is quite messy. It also turns out they have some test scripts that have username hardcoded and so this @DOMAIN.COM breaks them.

Is there a way to make SSSD show the domain users as just 'username' instead of 'username@DOMAIN.COM'? If not, is there a system that will allow me to do this?


Best Answer

The 'default_domain_suffix' answer is valid for users from a trusted domain (i.e. IPA-AD trust is in place).

However, if your setup only has one domain, then removing "use_fully_qualified_names=True" from the config is an easier way.

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