Ubuntu – subversion 1.6 for ubuntu


On official subversion site (subversion.tigris.org) it's stated that in order to install subversion in ubuntu you need to use 'apt-get install subversion'. This works, but installed version is 1.5.4. But for Windows and MacOS subversion is 1.6.2. Is it any easy and official way to install recent subversion under ubuntu?

Best Answer

Ubuntu Backports. This team of volunteers oversees the procedure for publishing new versions in existing versions of Ubuntu. In the case of subversion 1.6, a bug has already been filed. If all you want is an installable package, a few people in suggest repos containing the backport.

If you want an official Ubuntu backport of SVN, well, it's a volunteer process. I've found two other related bug reports, and I'll clean them up a bit, but ServerFault readers can help by learning the backport requirements, learning the process and making sure all the ducks are in a row, and promoting it.