Ubuntu sudoers file hacked


I've 3 ubuntu 14.04 vm on a remote hosting for code repository and testing purpose.
I've got them for more than 1 year now.
Two of them are working properly, but on one of them I can't run root commands anymore.
I disabled root access and I'm log in as "user1", using sudo to run commands.
But now it say that the users is no more in the sudoers (last time I logged in, 2 days ago, I didn't change anything)

I've seen the file sudoers has not been changed since months ago.
I tried to log as root running su, but it says that the authentication is wrong.

I'm writing here just for the last chance before running a reinstall command (I can't enter recovery mode cause is a remote hosting vm…).
did it happen to someone else ?
Because I don't know what to think:
1) server hacked;
2) file corruption (but it says that the users is not in, not that there is an error reading and the root password should work)
3) no idea…


this is the output from stat /etc/sudoers

    File: "/etc/sudoers"
  Dim.: 745             Blocchi: 8          Blocco di IO: 4096   file regolare
Device: 801h/2049d      Inode: 653038      Coll.: 1
Accesso: (0440/-r--r-----)  Uid: (    0/    root)   Gid: (    0/    root)
Accesso  : 2014-11-13 12:56:19.622105032 +0100
Modifica : 2014-02-10 20:16:26.000000000 +0100
Cambio   : 2014-06-22 09:50:38.421005615 +0200
Creazione: -

Best Answer

Not that long ago I accidentically removed myself from the sudoers file by attempting to add my user to another group.

Instead of typing the intended:

usermod -aG groupname username

I instead typed I believe it was the following:

usermod -G groupname username

What happened? Well it did add me to one group, but removed me from all the others including sudo.

NET result? I can't sudo anymore.

To fix it, I had to reboot the server and start in recovery mode and go to straight to a shell. I think fixed my group permissions and rebooted.