Ubuntu – the best way to move files to a remote Ubuntu web server


What is the best way/tools to move files to a remote Ubuntu web server? Obviously a newbie question, but should I create a smb mount, use ftp, or ssh?

Best Answer

scp,rsync over ssh are all good but for large data sets (ie lots of data in lots of small files or even just lots of large files) i use tar over ssh without compression doing the following:

 cd /path/to/localdir && tar -cf - ./| ssh -o “Compression=off” someuser@someotherserver “tar -xf - -C /path/to/remote/dir”

What this does is tar will create a data stream thats just sent over ssh encrypted but no compression. if your pushing this over an internet link you would be better off leaving the compression on by omitting the -o option.

For more info on this see here