Ubuntu – the easiest way to update perl on Ubuntu 8.04LTS


I have an app that currently runs on perl5.8 that I would like to upgrade to perl5.10, if not 5.11.

The only problem is we run Ubuntu LTS everywhere that I'd need to deploy this to.

From what I've read installing perl 5.10 on top of perl 5.8 can lead to problems with loading the wrong version of modules among other confusion.

Is there any recommended way to get to modern perl on LTS?

Best Answer

You've got two options: Compile a local version and put it in /opt or /usr/local/, or backport the perl packages from a later release. Unless you've got experience creating Debian packages, the former is going to be easier; this answer and some of the others to that question have more details. In particular, give the perl 5.10 binary a unique name like perl5.10.0 so you have to explicitly call it and the system packages don't run it by mistake.