Ubuntu thesql error: Disk is full writing


I had some mysql problems yesterday. I got "Too many connections" error on my sites because one of my script went a little bit crazy. After I fixed the connection problems I still got an error in mysql log.

/usr/sbin/mysqld: Disk is full writing

I checked my disk usage with "df -h" and I got this result:

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on

/dev/xvda1 3.0G 2.9G 0 100% /

none 530M 132K 530M 1% /dev

none 549M 0 549M 0% /dev/shm

none 549M 52K 549M 1% /var/run

none 549M 0 549M 0% /var/lock

So my "/dev/xvda1" file is full. I have no idea what this file doing, im really beginner on linux systems. My question is what should I do with it? Delete it?

Best Answer

If you delete that "file" you will be erasing your disk. /dev/xda1 is the the logical path that refers to your hard drive.

First of all check /var/log to see how big it is (go to the folder and do du -sh). Erase (extract first to another machine if you need them later) the logs of mysql if they are too big. My guess is your "crazy script" filled up your logs.