Ubuntu – thesql root password – where should it be stored


Where is the best place to store the mysql root password?
I had been putting it only in the root user's /root/.my.cnf file, which works fine for doing normal updates, backups, etc.

However, the (debian)/ubuntu logrotate script (for instance) doesn't look at that file.

I've currently worked around this by adding:

!include /root/.my.cnf

to the /etc/mysql/debian.cnf file, but this seems kind of … wrong. For a start, there's big

# Automatically generated for Debian Scripts. DO NOT TOUCH

at the top of the file.

There is no debian-sys-maint user in /etc/passwd, which I thought had something to do with it – but is that historical now?

Any current best practices/documentation I'm missing?

Best Answer

The Debian package creates a MySQL user debian-sys-maint@localhost separate from the MySQL root@localhost user, and uses that user and password (stored in /etc/mysql/debian.cnf) in the scripts for log rotation, database upgrades, startup and shutdown scripts and so on.