Ubuntu – Too much emails from fail2ban


I set up fail2ban on my Ubuntu server and specified an email address for notifications. I only want to be informed when a host is banned, but currently I get way to much emails with messages like

Hi, The jail apache-auth has been started successfully /stopped. Regards,

How can I suppress this kind of notifications?

Best Answer

Comment out the actions in /etc/fail2ban/actions.d/mail.conf and replace them with an empty action:

#actionstart = printf %%b "Hi,\n
#              The jail <name> has been started successfully.\n
#              Regards,\n
#              Fail2Ban"|mail -s "[Fail2Ban] <name>: started  on `uname -n`" <dest>
actionstart = 
#actionstop = printf %%b "Hi,\n [...]
actionstop =