Ubuntu – Troubles cloning from a git / gitolite / git-web / git-daemon server (Fatal: ‘gitolite-admin.git’ does not appear to be a git repository)


Following this tutorial on installing git, gitolite, git-daemon, and git-web I have successfully completed the entire tutorial and actually added projects gitolite; they show up on git web when I go to http://servername/.

Now I'm trying to clone gitolite-admin.git to add another project and it spits out the error

fatal: 'gitolite-admin.git' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

I can't actually clone any repositories from my server. Here is a bit of info, although I'm not exactly sure what to provide:

  1. I can SSH to the server using SSH keys.

  2. The gitolite SSH key is working; when I execute the git clone gitolite@{server_ip}:gitolite-admin.git it asks me to enter in the passphrase for the key, which does work.

  3. sudo su gitolite while on the server allows me to cd into /home/gitolite where the repositories folder and the projects.list is held.

  4. ls in /home/gitolite/repositories shows gitolite-admin.git as well as the others.

  5. projects.list does not list gitolite-admin.git however it does list otherproject.git; if this were affecting the ability to clone, i would assume that it would still work to clone otherproject.git, which it does not.

If there is anything else I can provide to give more insight please let me know. Any help is appreciated.

Note: I followed the tutorial very closely and only strayed from their configuration at the sudo apt-get install gitolite step which is not available on Ubuntu 10.04 so I followed this article for the actual installation of gitolite.

Best Answer

Can you verify the value of $projectroot in /etc/gitweb.conf? It sounds like it should be /home/gitolite/repositories compared to /var/lib/gitolite/repositories in the tutorial.

What do you see when you go to http://servername/? The project list?

What about if you go directly to http://servername/gitolite-admin.git?