Ubuntu – Unable to access monit daemon via HTTP from host port using Vagrant


I want to use monit to monitor services on my Ubuntu VM(precise 32) but I cannot access the monit daemon via HTTP from the host (local) machine.

I have enabled the following settings in /etc/monit/monitrc:

set httpd port 2812 and
  use address localhost
  allow localhost
  allow vagrant:vagrant_pwd

and have forwarded port 2812 in the virtual machine to host machine in Vagrantfile as follows:

config.vm.forward_port 2812, 2812

I have confirmed that monit is running on the virtual machine by ssh'ing into the VM and running:

sudo /etc/init.d/monit status

and can access the Monit daemon using HTTP within the VM by running

curl -u vagrant:vagrant localhost:2812

but when I enter localhost:2812 on the host machine browser (firefox) I get no response.

Any ideas on how to make this work?

Best Answer

This answer helped me: https://stackoverflow.com/a/5999945/262972

When I set my monitrc to the following, I was able to connect at

set httpd port 3737 and
    use address
    allow admin:"password"
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