Ubuntu – Unable to use FQDN when using local network (Ubuntu Server 10.04, dd-wrt)


Networking newb here… I seem to be having an odd networking issue.

When I am using a PC/laptop/Smart phone on my local network I am unable to access web pages (or email) on my network server using the FQDN.

Here's the set-up:

  • Domain name provider that points to the static IP address e.g. example.com points to
  • Fixed IP router address: e.g.
  • dd-wrt router: It has port-forwarding to the Ubuntu server which seems to work as it serves pages, etc to non-local ip addresses. Local machines are issued ip address via DHCP in the to 149 range.
  • Ubuntu 10.04 server on
  • Clients include Linux mint machines, Android phone and get addresses such as

If I am on a client on the local network ( and I try to navigate to a webpage on example.com/index.htm then the request times out.
The same sort of thing applies to email – If I am connected on the local network (wirelessly) then I cannot access the IMAP and SMTP servers using mail.example.com

The situation is fine if I am using a non-local network (e.g. my Vodafone mobile network). The device will successfully load example.com/index.htm
The situation is also ok if I navigate to

Any thoughts on how to trouble shoot this one?
It's obviously a little annoying…


Best Answer

I think you're misunderstanding how DNS lookups work.

The public domain name that your URL is pointing to is a data record that is offered to the public. It doesn't have anything to do with the DNS service available on your local network.

Check your DD-WRT to make sure that you have a DNS server configured. Try using Google's at and for testing that.

If you don't have a DNS server configured in your DHCP service, your devices can't resolve FQDNs on the devices that have received IPs from the router.

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