Ubuntu upgrade multiple versions at once


I need an Ubuntu 11.10 server, but for reasons beyond my understanding, our host only preinstalls Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. So I decided to get a 10.04 server and use Ubuntu's do-release-upgrade to get to 11.10.

I expected that do-release-upgrade would get me straight from 10.04 to 11.10. However, after running do-release-upgrade, I ended up with Ubuntu 10.10. So after reboot I had to run it again, and then it upgraded to 11.04, so then I had to run it a third time to get to 11.10. Is this expected behavior or am I doing something wrong here?

Best Answer

From https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes:

To avoid damaging your running system, upgrading should only be done from one release to the next release (e.g. Ubuntu 9.04 to Ubuntu 9.10) or from one LTS release to the next (e.g. Ubuntu 6.06 LTS to Ubuntu 8.04 LTS). If you wish to 'skip' a version, you can backup your data and do a fresh installation, or progressively upgrade to each successive version. For example, to upgrade from Ubuntu 8.10 to Ubuntu 9.10, first upgrade to 9.04, then upgrade 9.04 to 9.10.