Ubuntu – Use Linux BIND DNS server for the Windows Active Directory 2008 R2


How can I use a Linux BIND DNS server for my Windows Sever 2008 R2 Active Directory?

We are trying to avoid having to use the Windows Sever 2008 Server as a Domain Controller at all.

We want to use Ubuntu Server with bind configuration as DNS for all our workstations as is it easy to upload new changes in gitlab/github and it will auto pull in /etc/bind/ folder and will auto restart bind9 service with cronjob script.

After this is setup, all that remains is to tell Windows Server R2 that Ubuntu is DNS Server now. Otherwise Domain Controller users login is very slow, unless I put Windows Domain Controller IP as a secondary DNS in IPV4 config in workstations. Which we don't want to do. We want to use Ubuntu Server with bind as primary DNS and Google as secondary

Best Answer

First of all, this is strongly dis-recommended (if that's English!) by Microsoft (and you're supporting Microsoft clients). Second, you'd have done that when you put in place your AD, as your domain controller would have skipped the creation of its own DNS. It's anyway possible to do it, if your BIND DNS is compatible.

If you're clients are slow to login, that's because you BIND DNS is not able to resolve your client queries, it replies with "I don't know that host", then your clients query to the secondary.

The easy way to do this would be: - Your DC as a primary (I know you don't want / are not allowed; still, it's the recommendation). - Your BIND DNS as secondary. - Google DNS as a forwarder in your BIND DNS.

Difficult way, this oldie but goldie link: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd316373.aspx

Good luck! :-)