Ubuntu SSL – Using a Self-Signed SSL Certificate for HTTPS-Based Internal APT Repository


I've set up a Debian repository (Ubuntu actually) for internal use with some private packages, and now want to make it available over the web to some specific servers. I would like apt-get / aptitude to connect to it using HTTPS, and because I don't want to spend any money am using a self-signed certificate.

I've tried following the apt.conf man page on pointing apt-get to use my own root CA certificate to validate the host, but it does not seem to work.

My apt.conf file looks like this:

#Acquire::https::repo.mydomain.com::Verify-Peer "false";
Acquire::https::repo.mydomain.com::CaInfo      "/etc/apt/certs/my-cacert.pem";
Acquire::https::repo.mydomain.com::SslCert     "/etc/apt/certs/my-cert.pem";
Acquire::https::repo.mydomain.com::SslKey      "/etc/apt/certs/my-key.pem";

I also use a client certificate, but it does not seem to be a problem because when I set Verify-Peer to "false" (commented above) everything works.

Using the same CA certificate, client cert and key works well with curl.

I enabled apt debugging (Debug::Acquire::https "true") but it offers very little information.

Any suggestions on how to proceed?

Best Answer

Recently, I have encountered a similar problem. I solved it by adding SslForceVersion option.

My config is like:

Acquire::https::test.com {
    Verify-Peer "true";
    Verify-Host "true";

    CaInfo "/tmp/ca.crt";

    SslCert "/tmp/client.crt";
    SslKey  "/tmp/client.key";
    SslForceVersion "SSLv3";