Ubuntu – uWSGI error: the master disconnected: i will kill theself. How it happened


error message:

uWSGI worker 5 screams: UAAAAAAH my master disconnected: i will kill myself !!!

I use uWSGI as server to hold my pyramid app on Ubuntu 12.04

Best Answer

There are tons of reasons for the master to die, normally master's death is governed by the user, but if, for some reason, it dies abruptuly, the workers have to follow him. As the worker (being a child) has no way to know what happened, you cannot expect more infos.

A common error is sending KILL to the master to reboot/destroy uWSGI, this will lead to worker being 'orphaned'. Generally master's death should be reported in logs (with a backtrace in case of memory corruption), maybe if you paste them we could find the cause.