Ubuntu – Very simple SMTP server for Ubuntu wanted


I'm looking for a very simple, lightweight SMTP server to run on an Ubuntu 9.04 VPS.

The only functionality I need is to support the PHP mail command;

mail('caffeinated@example.com', 'My Subject', 'My message');

That's all it needs to do. I do not need logging, POP3, IMAP or anything else for inbound mail – just simple plain text SMTP. The emails will not have file attachments.

Any suggestions gratefully received.

Best Answer

I suggest you just use Postfix.

It's not minimal as you might want but:

  • It gets security updates in Ubuntu;
  • It's the default mail server, so you'll have all the distribution-specific troubleshooting guides you might need;
  • It sends mail trough secure connections.

The functions you don't need won't affect the ones you need anyway, and it's not like one megabyte of disk space is a problem - at least in a context where it's okay to install a behemoth sugh as Ubuntu.