Ubuntu – Virtual-domain mail server installation on Ubuntu 9.04


I'm trying to migrate my ancient FreeBSD box to a fresh new Ubuntu 9.04 install.

Problem is, to set up the email server on my FreeBSD box, there was the excellent qmailrocks guide, which is now very out of date, so I tried a little googling and found this guide for Ubuntu:

Unfortunately, I got so far into the guide and postfix stopped doing anything. It was listening on port 25, accepted the connection, but never sent the welcome message, and wouldn't respond to HELO/EHLO input. Basically, the install was ahem useless.

So I purged postfix, courier etc etc and googled again. Found old guides for debian which just plain do not apply anymore (I tried).

My question is: what the hell should I be using for multi-domain email hosting on Ubuntu?

I would really like to keep all my users and domains in MySQL, and an admin tool would be nice, but my no means essential (I have phpmyadmin and plenty of know-how to create an admin tool to insert a few records into the MySQL tables should I need to).

Help! 🙂

Best Answer

I've also had this issue and i did a lot of Google-ing and found lots of tutorials but neither was what i was looking for.
Then i found a tutorial for setting up Postfix+Dovecot+MySQL which was perfect for what i wanted.
You can have everything up and running in 15min. The tutorial is for Debian but you can follow the same steps for Ubuntu.
