Ubuntu – Web based KVM management for Ubuntu


We've got a single Ubuntu 9.10 root server on which we want to run multiple KVM virtual machines. To administer these virtual machines I'd like a web based KVM management tool, but I don't know which one to choose from the list of tools mentioned on linux-kvm.org.

I've used virsh & virt-manager on my desktop, but would like a web interface for the server. I tested ConVirt on my desktop, but it failed to pickup KVM machines from virsh / virt-manager, and I could not get KVM virtual machine import to work (only Xen).

oVirt looks good, but I can't find out if and how I can install it on Ubuntu 9.10.. (And I'd really rather not waste another few days on testing stuff that might not work in the end.)

Can anyone recommend any good web based KVM management tools that are easy to install on Ubuntu 9.10?

I'm looking for something that will also allow me to run other services like apache and postgresql besides hosting virtual machines, so preferably fairly lightweight & no dedicated OS installs. We don't need any professional clustering / migration or anything, just something that will let us create, start, inspect, administer & stop virtual machines from a web page.

Best regards,

Anyone have any suggestions? It's awfully quiet here..

Best Answer

Cloud.com Cloudstack runs on Ubuntu 10.04. Obviously Eucalyptus too. I know you don't want cloud features, but you can just ignore them if you want. Perfectly viable as plain hypervisor management, so long as you have an external management box.

As you've noticed, other tools like Karesansui and oVirt are packaged only for RHEL/Centos

Convirture is alright, I'm actually surprised you had trouble importing. I think their update / patching process could be improved.