Ubuntu – What permissions are needed to write a PID file in /var/run


On Ubuntu:

touch: cannot touch `/var/run/test.pid': Permission denied

I am starting start-stop-daemon and like to write the PID file in /var/run
start-stop-daemon is run as my-program-user

/var/run setting is drwxr-xr-x  9 root  root

I like to avoid putting my-program-user in the root group.

Best Answer

By default, you can only write to /var/run as a user with an effective user ID of 0 (ie as root). This is for good reasons, so whatever you do, don't go and change the permissions of /var/run... Instead, as root, create a directory under /var/run:

# mkdir /var/run/mydaemon

Then change its ownership to the user/group under which you wish to run your process:

# chown myuser:myuser /var/run/mydaemon

Now specify to use /var/run/mydaemon rather than /var/run.

You can always test this by running a test as the user in question.