Ubuntu – Workaround for starting zabbix agent on Ubuntu. update-rc.d LSB mismatch


I am trying to run the zabbix-agent (1.8.1) on boot on Ubuntu (lucid 10.04).

Zabbix is installed just fine, and it manually starts just fine with /etc/init.d/zabbix-agent start

However it doesn't start on boot, because when I run:

sudo update-rc.d zabbix-agent default

I get:

update-rc.d: warning: zabbix-agent start runlevel arguments (none) do not match LSB Default-Start values (2 3 4 5)
update-rc.d: warning: zabbix-agent stop runlevel arguments (none) do not match LSB Default-Stop values (0 1 6)

After googling around I found some cryptic information about this being a possible bug with Zabbix's startup scripts, but I can't find a workaround. I'm trying to understand how the update-rc.d system works, but I'm not getting very far.

How can I modify this setup to start the zabbix-agent on startup?

Best Answer

Did you also add the server to start at boot?

sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/zabbix-server sudo update-rc.d zabbix-server defaults

sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/zabbix-agent sudo update-rc.d zabbix-agent defaults