Ubuntu – Would you use Splunk


I'm watching the video at http://www.splunk.com and as someone who is newer to IT management this seems like a great solution to get me started. But I have concerns. I just moved from cPanel and I don't want to end up reliant on another heavy bogged down, overloaded system. I'm wondering if any of you use it, if so, what do you like or not like about it?

I'm really looking for a solution to help sort through server logs and diagnose when the server is under attack. Splunk seems like a very good solution, but is there a better one, preferably free out there?

Best Answer

Install the logcheck package. It will scan the logs once an hour and email you anything it doesn't consider normal. Essentially, it emails anything that entered the logs in the last hour that it doesn't have a rule for ignoring. There are additional attack rules than include things which shouldn't be in the log. The email subject line varies depending on the reason things were picked up.

I generally build a local ignore file for it as I discover things which I consider normal, but don't have existing ignore rules.

The various syslog alternatives all support server consolidation, so you can forward the logs to a single server. However, I haven't been in the habit of doing it. The only system I forward logs off of is my OpenWRT firewall.

EDIT: I do use Splunk at work to search log files, although if I known the particular log I am looking for I am more likely to use less. It does have alert capabilities, but we don't use them. I expect they would alert on a match to a known record. This can lead to a lot of false negatives if you have new problems without an alert rule. I prefer to have false positives like I get from logcheck. Splunk may have better timeliness on alerts though.

I do get timely alerts from fail2ban on cases that cause it to trigger. It also maintains blacklist entries for the originating source.

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