Ultrium DT3 – Amber warning light and Red 3 on LED


Dell PowerEdge 2900 with IBM Ultrium DTO III installed.
Tape drive ejects and accepts tapes and backup software successfully writes to tape but I have a red 3 on the LED of the tape unit and a flashing amber light. I have tried the online support at Dell and IBM but cannot find any article – even Google reveals nothing. Any ideas on how to diagnose the issue – tape drive unit appears in in device manager although in other devices I do have an unknown – this could be something to do with it – or perhaps not?

Best Answer

Placed LTO unit in maintenance mode (eject tape and press eject button 3 times in two seconds) and then took the LTO unit out of maintenance mode (with unit empty, press eject and hold for 3 seconds).

The display screen reset and the light became green once more.

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