Unable to browse Win7 x64 shares

network-sharewindows 7windows-server-2003

I have a single Windows 7 x64 machine that has shares running on it that I'm trying to access on the LAN. The IP of the Win7 box is on the same /24 subnet as the computers that need to access it. The machine I am trying to use to access the share is a Win 2003 x86 Standard Edition. It is also the domain controller, of which domain the Win 7 machine is a member.

When I attempt to browse the share, I go to \\win7\ or \\IP and it says "No network provider accepted the given network path.".

Steps I have taken so far:

  1. Cleared cache/flushed dns on DC as well as on Win7 box.
  2. Restarted Win7 box
  3. Verified Win7 shares are setup properly
  4. Verified I am able to browse to \\win7 from that same computer
  5. Verified I can ping the win7 box from W2k3
  6. Verified I am able to RDP from W2ke to Win7
  7. Windows Firewall is off on both machines
  8. Win7 has Symantec Endpoint Protection which, when disabled causes the same issue.
  9. Ensured that settings in Advanced Sharing Settings in Network and Sharing Center on Win 7 should be setup right for the shares to work.

I'm not really sure what else to try at this point. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

This smells like a DNS issue. Does your Domain Controller supply DNS and DHCP for this subnet? If you are using Static IPs you will have some hostname resolution problems without a WINS server on the network.

Can you ping your win7 PC from a command prompt on the server? Watch out, Win7 blocks ICMP traffic by default, So: Turn OFF windows Firewall temporarily for the DOMAIN network profile on the Win7pc and see if you can ping it by hostname or by FQDN (hostname.domain.com) If you CAN ping by hostname it is NOT a DNS issue and I am stumped. If you can't ping the win7 machine by hostname, then examine your WINS and DNS server settings on the win7 machine (and your DHCP server).

Although you wrote "\win7" and "\IP" I hope you meant \win7 and \IP. You need two Slashes "\"

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